Faith & Feelings

Faith & Feelings

Hosted by: Taylor Joy Murray

Faith & Feelings is a podcast designed to help you untangle & honor your emotions, authentically practice your faith, and integrate both into your everyday life so that you can experience the goodness &...

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4 Types of Emotionally Immature Parents

We all need someone who reads us well and believes in us. This is the essence of what security feels like in a relationship: knowing that the other person sees you, understands you, and celebrates who you are. But...
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Why Anger Is a Surprising Friend

Many of us have a confusing relationship with anger. Anger is a complex emotion that can create significant internal conflict, fueling both guilt and fear. Similar to anxiety, it’s a powerful force that can do great...
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Personality Traits Associated With Emotional Immaturity

If emotional immaturity could be summed up in a sentence, it might be this: “it’s not me, it’s you.” People who are emotionally immature often engage in inappropriate or harmful behavior, and then revert to altering...
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The Reason Why You Feel Emotionally Lonely

Emotional loneliness is the kind of loneliness that you can feel even in the presence of others. It results from a lack of emotional connection, and it can sometimes be even more painful than being physically alone....
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15 Characteristics of an Emotionally Mature Person

Have you ever longed to be seen and known as the person you truly are? To share anything with someone and know that you’ll be understood, accepted, and validated? Emotional responsiveness is the single most essential...
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Series 4 Trailer | Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Although we’re used to thinking of adults as more mature than their children, what if some children come into the world, and within a few years, are more emotionally mature than their parents?  In this next Faith...
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How Your Relationship With Your Parents Shaped Your Relationship With God

Why does God sometimes feel so far away? The reason for this could be your attachment style. We all experience moments when God's love and presence are tangible. But we can also experience feeling utterly abandoned by...
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How Your Relationship With Your Parents Shaped Your Ability to Regulate Your Emotions

Do you get easily dysregulated? Or struggle to get back to a regulated state when you are dysregulated? There’s a reason for that. In this episode, I connect your present experiences of dysregulation to your...
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"I Have to Be Perfect to Be Loved" with Ellen

We all have deep and inherent need for love and acceptance. But, as children, what happens when unconditional love and acceptance were not freely given? In small ways, many of us learn that a “packaging of self” is...
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When Your Spiritual Growth Feels Frustratingly Slow with Chip

I think everyone could testify to how imperceptibly incremental our spiritual growth can feel in some areas of our lives. If you’re like me, you often feel a disconnect between the theology that that you believe and...
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"No Matter How Hard I Try I Can't Be Good Enough" with Kylie

“We all are born into the world looking for someone looking for us, and we remain in this mode of searching for the rest of our lives.” - Curt Thompson, MD But we all have those experiences of being unseen. Un-chosen....
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Healing From the Trauma of Growing up Too Soon with Jonathan

What happens when the circumstances of life force you to grow up too quickly & shoulder a weight of responsibility or caretaking far beyond your developmental age? When our bodies carry the story of an interrupted...
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