Faith & Feelings

Faith & Feelings

Hosted by: Taylor Joy Murray

Faith & Feelings is a podcast designed to help you untangle & honor your emotions, authentically practice your faith, and integrate both into your everyday life so that you can experience the goodness &...

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When You Feel Betrayed by God with Jessica

So many of us have experienced a before and after.  A "before” you knew that life was fragile…and an “after.” When you can’t go back. You can’t un-know. You are changed. In some ways, grief will always be accompanying...
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When Life is Disobedient

Sometimes suffering lasts…and where is God in this? How do we find joy, hope, and love when life becomes undone? These are two questions that I’ve sat with over the last few months. In this episode, I set some...
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Series 2 Trailer | When Life Doesn't Make Sense

There’s a myth that is easy to buy into: that obedience to God will equal an easy life. In our modern context, many of us have absorbed an understanding of faith that requires life to work out…but what happens when it...
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7 Important Questions to Consider When Engaging With Someone Who Harmed You with Ashley Volk

What does it mean to love someone who has hurt you? In today’s episode I’m joined by my friend Ashley Volk, who received her certificate in narrative-focused trauma care from the Allender Center. In her experience...
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Your Questions Answered

To wrap up our first series on the podcast, I’m giving you the microphone to ask me your questions. I love hearing your voices whenever I can, and I think this will be a lot of fun. I’ll do my best to offer some solid...
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The Wisdom of Anxiety

The experience of anxiety is often coupled with a felt-sense that withdrawing and hiding is our safest option. It can have a crippling effect, reshaping the way that we engage in relationships and even the way that we...
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Diffusing Anxiety Triggers When Your Body & Brain Won't Cooperate

Triggers can be a confusing word. At its heart, triggers are reactions to past trauma. They are not just about remembering past pain, but reexperiencing past pain as if it were happening in the present. But what do we...
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Triggers: Why Am I Reacting This Way?

Triggers can make us feel like we’re on fire when there is no flame. But what actually is a trigger? Being triggered is not the same as being uncomfortable. Being triggered isn’t just about something rubbing you the...
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3 Ways Trauma & Anxiety Are Connected

The anxiety that you feel today is not random. Anxiety in adulthood is often rooted in unprocessed stories of trauma… stories that our minds may have forgotten or suppressed but that our bodies still remember. As I...
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Where Does My Anxiety Come From?

Have you ever wondered where your anxiety comes from? Many people are unaware that patterns of anxiety in adulthood are often rooted in unprocessed stories of trauma. Trauma has a tendency to hide, but the symptoms...
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Are Worry & Anxiety the Same Thing?

Worry and anxiety are often blurred together as the same thing. But do you know that they actually have distinct differences? In fact, our ability to differentiate worry and anxiety is essential to be able to process...
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Do I Have Anxiety?

Anxiety can feel debilitating. But what actually is it? What’s happening inside of us when we feel anxious, and why do feel it? Anxiety is often our body’s way of alerting us to important, unfelt emotions. It’s always...
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