When You Feel Betrayed by God with Jessica

So many of us have experienced a before and after. 

A "before” you knew that life was fragile…and an “after.” When you can’t go back. You can’t un-know. You are changed. In some ways, grief will always be accompanying us. Where is God in this? And what do we do when, like David expresses over and over again in the Psalms, we feel a sense of divine abandonment or betrayal? 

In this episode, my friend Jessica joins me to share about her recent miscarriage journey. Although she shares about the loss of a child, she speaks to the emotional undercurrent of loss in a way that I think will deeply resonate with many different experiences of sorrow. What Jessica does so beautifully is put words and phrases to the devastation of loss in a way that feels anchoring, truthful, and sacred. I hope you’ll listen in.